Text "C of N" on a postal numismatic cover surrounded by coins and tokens. See "About" page for list.

Coin of Note

Knowledge, one coin at a time.

Saint Eligius, pray for us

Inverted anchor cross. A cross with slightly widened ends, with two anchor flukes coming out of the top and curving left and right, also with slightly widened ends.

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Category: Token

  • Sweden 45 Öre Stockholms Ångslups Aktiebolag

    Sweden 45 Öre Stockholms Ångslups Aktiebolag

    A ferry token from Sweden’s water-framed archipelago capital Stockholm (Stockholm in winter, from https://www.visitstockholm.com/) People talk about Venice and Amsterdam as being defined by their canals, but the DNA of Stockholm is every bit as watery. A patchwork of islands set on the edge of 75-mile-long freshwater Lake Mälaren and the Baltic Sea, its landscape…

  • Copenhagen Tramways token

    Copenhagen Tramways token

    A picturesque token from a beautiful public transit system The first trams to operate in Denmark were in the capital, Copenhagen, under the “Copenhagen Railway Company Ltd.” which was founded in 1863. These early trams were initially horse-drawn. (1863 drawing of one of the first horse-drawn trams, from https://www.vognstyrer.dk/) Some early tokens can be seen…

  • New Haven USA Railroad token

    New Haven USA Railroad token

    A coffee token from an iconic American train The New Haven Railroad (1954 New Haven annual report showing the serif N over H design of the company’s logo, from Northwestern University) The New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company, commonly known as the New Haven Railroad or simply, ‘The New Haven’, operated in the…

  • James Burness & Sons Coaling Station, St Lucia

    James Burness & Sons Coaling Station, St Lucia

    A coal token from a tiny Caribbean nation St Lucia St Lucia is a small island nation in the Caribbean, just north of St Vincent & the Grenadines and south of Martinique. It is part of the chain of islands which runs from Venezuela in South America, through Trinidad & Tobago through to Cuba. Saint…

  • N.C.B. Rawdon Check, UK

    N.C.B. Rawdon Check, UK

    A prototypical colliery check from England. The coal industry Coal had been mined in the UK as early as Roman times, but it wasn’t until the 1700’s that mining started to venture deeper than surface level. Steam engines powering the industrial revolution from the mid-1700s needed coal, and arrival of railways in the 1800s helped…

  • Imitation Spade Guinea Sam Lyon

    Imitation Spade Guinea Sam Lyon

    An interesting advertising ISG variant Obverse We’ve previously looked at another Imitation Spade Guinea (ISG) token. These are gambling tokens produced in the UK in the 1800s and early 1900s. They come in many varieties, although there are a handful of main types. The previous piece we covered was an “In Memory” type. Those are…

  • Imitation Spade Guinea “Good Old Days” UK

    Imitation Spade Guinea “Good Old Days” UK

    One of many fascinating gaming tokens Gaming tokens George III became king of the United Kingdom in 1760, following the death of his grandfather, George II. The industrial revolution was just getting under way, and local manufacturers were in a position to produce commemorative medalets. These were made firstly to mark his ascension, and then…

  • United Fruit Co Tally, Jamaica

    United Fruit Co Tally, Jamaica

    The unsavoury history of fruit, and exploitation This is my entry for Day 24 “X” of the Blogging from A-Z April Challenge!X = Xaymaca (Jamaica). Xaymaca / Jamaica Jamaica on a world globe, from Wikipedia. Jamaica is the third largest island of the Greater Antilles chain. It is located south of Cuba in the Caribbean…

  • 1988 Turkey İ.E.T.T. Tünel token

    1988 Turkey İ.E.T.T. Tünel token

    A token to ride the shortest subway in the world This is my entry for Day 20 “T” of the Blogging from A-Z April Challenge!T = Turkey. Obverse This is a token of the İETT, short for İstanbul Elektrik Tramway ve Tünel (Istanbul Electric Tram and Subway). The public transport operator in Istanbul, capital city of…

  • 1913 Ottoman Empire 20 Para Passage Token

    1913 Ottoman Empire 20 Para Passage Token

    An early 20th century bridge token from a fascinating city. This is my entry for Day 15, “O” of the Blogging from A-Z April Challenge!O = Ottoman Empire. Obverse We have covered pieces from Istanbul previously, from a Byzantine Follis issued in the sixth century (when the city was known as Constantinople) to a more modern…

  • One Pint, Upper Hutt New Zealand

    One Pint, Upper Hutt New Zealand

    A token for a pint of milk from a country which relies on dairies. This is my entry for Day 14, “N” of the Blogging from A-Z April Challenge!N = New Zealand. (View of a farm from the NZ Pocket Guide website on seasonal work in New Zealand) New Zealand is a nation founded on farming,…

  • 2011 India Delhi Metro Token

    2011 India Delhi Metro Token

    A token from one of the largest railway-using countries. This is my entry for Day 9 “I” of the Blogging from A-Z April Challenge!I = India. Indian rail India is the globe’s overwhelming rail usage leader, with over 8 billion passenger trips per year making up more than a trillion kilometres travelled. Japan is a relatively…

  • 25 Øre token Denmark Dyrehavsbakken

    25 Øre token Denmark Dyrehavsbakken

    From the world’s oldest amusement park This is my entry for Day 4 “D” of the Blogging from A-Z April Challenge!D = Denmark. Dyrehavsbakken (Pjerrot, the resident clown of the park. Read his story at liebhaverboligen.dk) Founded in 1583, Bakken, or Dyrehavsbakken as it is officially named, has been a firm favorite with the people…

  • 2015 Canada Fox Geocache coin

    2015 Canada Fox Geocache coin

    A colourful “coin” from a hobby I hadn’t heard of This is my entry for Day 3 “C” of the Blogging from A-Z April Challenge!C = Canada. Obverse The only text on this side is the word CANADA below an orange, black and white fox sitting among trees. There are four types of foxes in…

  • 1933 Budapest transport token

    1933 Budapest transport token

    A small section ticket with great imagery Obverse The obverse features the coat of arms of Budapest with the year, 1933, above and ·B·SZ·K·RT· below. These are the intitials of what translates as “The Budapest Metropolitan Transport Company Limited by Shares”. In 1873, the three main cities of Buda, Pest and Óbuda, were united into…

  • Aladdin’s Castle token

    Aladdin’s Castle token

    An anepigraphic token from an iconic US arcade. I mostly thought I’d write this one up as it is one which is hard to search for if you acquire one and don’t already know what it is. I have mentioned a couple of times in the Coin of Note newsletter that I like anepigraphic coins.…

  • Duty Pass, W. Alexander & Sons, Scotland

    Duty Pass, W. Alexander & Sons, Scotland

    An enamel staff bus pass (W. Alexander & Sons Leyland Tiger bus, courtesy Wikipedia) W.Alexander & Sons W. Alexander & Sons were a Scottish bus company, based in Falkirk, in the central lowlands. Halfway between Glasgow and Edinburgh, it has a population of around 35,000 (not to be confused with the local government area of…

  • Bussoz Distributeurs Automatiques

    Bussoz Distributeurs Automatiques

    An early French arcade token The token This token is very decorative, with a lot of pretty design and nice font. This helps reinforce the romantic notion I already had of Paris in the early 1900s: Sitting in a cafe, eating pastries, relaxing and generally looking like a Monet painting. I’ve written about it previously…

  • Incheon City Bus Fare (South Korea)

    Incheon City Bus Fare (South Korea)

    Some very attractive bus tokens Incheon Incheon is South Korea’s third-largest city. About 20km from Seoul, it is on the west coast of the country. Lonely Planet advise that you can catch ferry services direct to China from here, or to the West Sea Islands. Close to the border with North Korea, the islands offer…

  • Tongin Market Yeopjeon, South Korea

    Tongin Market Yeopjeon, South Korea

    A token for a unique dining experience Tongin market Here is a token from Seoul, South Korea. It is used to buy a lunchbox at the Tongin traditional market. Established in 1941, originally for Japanese residents of the area, the market soon attracted traditional Korean street vendors and store owners. Markets have a long history…

  • D Napier & Son check

    D Napier & Son check

    A check from an interesting early auto maker Acton Vale is a district in London’s west. Described as “Motor town” in the 1920s, it had one of the largest concentrations of industry south of Birmingham. In 1932, 5,400 people, or 80% of the workers in the district, were employed in the motor industry. One of…

  • Compañía de Salitres de Antofagasta Wage token

    Compañía de Salitres de Antofagasta Wage token

    Multi-coloured Nitrate company Bakelite tokens from Chile In the 9th century, Chinese monks, looking for a life-extending elixar, instead created gunpowder. Saltpeter or potassium nitrate, is a key ingredient of this. Nitrate is also an important component in farming. When you harvest fruit, vegetables or grain, you take nitrate out. Putting it back in the…

  • 1999 US Penny with Cross cut-out

    1999 US Penny with Cross cut-out

    It makes cents to follow Jesus. The “Lincoln memorial cent” is one of the most well-known US coin designs. Abraham Lincoln’s portrait on the obverse has been constant since 1909 to the present day (well, 2023 as I write this at least). The Lincoln memorial reverse shows the Lincoln Memorial (which is in Washington DC).…

  • Krasnolymanska Coal Mine checks, Ukraine

    Krasnolymanska Coal Mine checks, Ukraine

    Exonumia from a war zone Three for the price of one today! Mostly because I believe these all came from the Krasnolymanska Coal Mine in Ukraine, however I’m not 100% clear on how each was used. Trying to work out the text and run it through Google Translate, I came up with the text “ЩК-АИМ”…