Tag: Denmark
Copenhagen Tramways token
A picturesque token from a beautiful public transit system The first trams to operate in Denmark were in the capital, Copenhagen, under the “Copenhagen Railway Company Ltd.” which was founded in 1863. These early trams were initially horse-drawn. (1863 drawing of one of the first horse-drawn trams, from https://www.vognstyrer.dk/) Some early tokens can be seen…
25 Øre token Denmark Dyrehavsbakken
From the world’s oldest amusement park This is my entry for Day 4 “D” of the Blogging from A-Z April Challenge!D = Denmark. Dyrehavsbakken (Pjerrot, the resident clown of the park. Read his story at liebhaverboligen.dk) Founded in 1583, Bakken, or Dyrehavsbakken as it is officially named, has been a firm favorite with the people…
1838 Denmark 1/2 Rigsbankskilling
A simple, elegant design Denmark’s financial situation was, precarious, in the early 1800s. The largest single event was the Danish state bankruptcy of 1813 following the Napoleonic wars. By the 1830s, the currency was somewhat more stable. At that time, Denmark’s currency was the Rigsbankdaler, which was divided up into 16 Rigsdaler Courant and 96…
1944 Greenland 5 Kroner
Where is Greenland anyway? Despite being part of Denmark, and geopolitically part of Europe, Greenland is actually in North America. In fact, Greenland is only 35 km from Canada across the Nares Strait. Hans island, in the middle of the strait has been the site of possibly the most delightful war ever, the whisky war.…
1856 Denmark 16 Skilling Rigsmønt
The mid-1800s was a tumultuous time in Denmark. There was not one, but two Schleswig-Holstein wars, leading to Denmark’s southern border with Germany moving north. In fact, there is a book titled “Schleswig Holstein: contested region(s) through history”, which details more than a thousand years of such conflicts. My own personal interest in this, is…