Tag: Lydia
Phrygia, Epikteteis, Æ 19, 200-1 BC
A captivating coin from an intriguing time Phrygia Recently, we looked at a coin from ancient Lydia, a kingdom in the west of modern-day Turkey, which formed after the fall of the Hittite empire. Lydia later fell to the Greeks, Alexander the Great, the Seleucid’s, Rome and Persians. Phrygia was the empire to the east…
133B.C. – 14A.D. Lydia 21 Æ
A 2,000 year old coin from one of the oldest coin producing places on Earth Map of Lydia from Britannica.com Lydia Founded as early as 1200 B.C. near the end of the Hittite period, Lydia, was a prosperous ancient Kingdom. Sardis was the capital of the kingdom from at least the mid-7th century B.C. The…