Text "C of N" on a postal numismatic cover surrounded by coins and tokens. See "About" page for list.

Coin of Note

Knowledge, one coin at a time.

Saint Eligius, pray for us

Inverted anchor cross. A cross with slightly widened ends, with two anchor flukes coming out of the top and curving left and right, also with slightly widened ends.

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Tag: Vikings

  • Sweden 45 Öre Stockholms Ångslups Aktiebolag

    Sweden 45 Öre Stockholms Ångslups Aktiebolag

    A ferry token from Sweden’s water-framed archipelago capital Stockholm (Stockholm in winter, from https://www.visitstockholm.com/) People talk about Venice and Amsterdam as being defined by their canals, but the DNA of Stockholm is every bit as watery. A patchwork of islands set on the edge of 75-mile-long freshwater Lake Mälaren and the Baltic Sea, its landscape…

  • 1975 Iceland 1 Króna

    1975 Iceland 1 Króna

    A coin referring to some old legends, from one of the younger landmasses. Iceland is an island nation 280km (170 mi) off the coast of Greenland towards Scotland. The country lies where the Eurasian and North American tectonic plates meet, which is what causes a lot of its geologic activity. Despite this, the country is…

  • 1876 Norway 5 Øre

    1876 Norway 5 Øre

    An elegant coin from Scandinavia Norway (Map of Northern Europe showing Norway. From Wikipedia). Norway is a long, thin country, the northernmost in Scandinavia. It has a long southern land border with Sweden, then Finland and a short border with Russia, near Murmansk. The last ice age ended in the country around 14,000 years ago,…

  • 1956 Sweden 5 Öre

    1956 Sweden 5 Öre

    Interesting incuse designs In writing up the Finland 5 Markkaa, one of the design choices which stands out is the raised text in an incuse box. Looking at that, the first thing that came to my mind was the 1952-1971 series coins from Sweden. Reverse The reverse features the value dividing the date, with the…

  • 1979 Isle of Man pound

    1979 Isle of Man pound

    The first circulating base metal pound coin in the British Isles Isle of Man There are three island territories within the British Isles that are known as Crown Dependencies; these are the Bailiwicks of Jersey and Guernsey which make up Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man. The Crown Dependencies are not part of the…

  • Vegvisir / Viking Compass

    Vegvisir / Viking Compass

    Here is a piece I picked up just for the cool design: The medallion is the same on both sides. The design is “Vegvisir”, also known as “The Viking Compass” or “Norse Compass”. It is an interesting design which certainly looks Viking: an 8 pointed symbol with different designs on each arm made up of…